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We encourage folks to come to the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve (IAWP) to enjoy and learn the wonders that this urban wetland holds. Now, with the help of Eagle Scout candidate Justin Moss and his Troop 0636, you are able to sit and view the wetland wildlife along the berm trail. Three benches have been erected alongside the Milwaukee Railroad Berm Trail and two more will be installed after restoration and enhancement construction. Each bench will have an engraved sign representing one of the wetland birds seen at the IAWP (Wilson’s Snipe, Red-winged Blackbird, Northern Harrier, Sandhill Crane, and Wood Duck).

To earn the rank of Eagle, a Life Scout must complete a meaningful service project to benefit his community while learning leadership skills. Sacajawea Audubon Society is honored to have been selected by Justin to sponsor his project.

Justin would like to thank his Troop 0636 members: Justin M, Bailey K, Aidan B, Liam B, Amelia B, Jack N, Sam N, Dalton K, Eli C, Tessa C, Nick H, and the support of all the parents that made everything possible. He also thanks Kenyon Noble for donating all the supplies for this Eagle Scout project.

ABOVE: Eagle Scout Troop 0636 poses next to one of three benches they installed along the IAWP Milwaukee Railroad Berm Trail. Photo by Loreene Reid.


The IAWP Busy Beavers ended the season with 41 active members and engaged in multiple restoration efforts. At the Preserve, groundwater was monitored weekly throughout the season, multiple cleanups were held, and invasive weeds were eradicated to encourage native plant growth. The IAWP Busy Beavers extended their efforts to the rest of the Lower Gallatin Watershed, as trees were planted along Matthew Bird Creek, various tributaries and trails were combed for trash, and reaches of Kelly Creek were prepared for an upcoming beaver mimicry project. In return, three educational workshops were held to provide volunteers with knowledge on our Valley’s vital resources and biodiversity.

Free educational workshops and trainings will resume again in 2022—keep an eye out for upcoming event dates! To join and to stay up to date on all upcoming events, visit gallatinwatershed.com/volunteer.

Questions? Contact Loreene at loreener5@gmail.com or Heather at bswc@gallatinwatershedcouncil.org