Wetlands Action for People and Nature
The goal of World Wetlands Day is to highlight the importance of actions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands for human and planetary health.We hope that everyone will take action and to invest financial, human and political capital in order to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing altogether — and to restore those we have already lost.
We hope to encourage our community to Value, Manage, Restore, and of course — Love — Wetlands:
Value wetlands for the multiple benefits and nature-based solutions they provide for human well-being and a healthy planet.
Manage wetlands wisely and use them sustainably so we can conserve them and maintain the health of these critically important ecosystems.
Restore lost and degraded wetlands to revive the rich biodiversity and life found in these life-sustaining ecosystems.
Learn more about world wetlands day at https://www.worldwetlandsday.org
Wednesday, 2/2, 12:00pm: Join us for a virtual tour of the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve followed by a Q&A with the IAWP Design Committee and Partnering Organizations Ducks Unlimited, Montana Freshwater Partners, Gallatin Watershed Council, Trout Unlimited and Confluence, Inc. Register Now https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4567896189514473743
DATE CHANGE DUE TO FRIGID WEATHER – Friday 2/4, 4:30 – 6:30pm: Bring a mug and a chair, and join us at the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve for some hot cocoa and a small cozy fire as we celebrate the purchase of the last 7 acres, and all of the progress we have made on IAWP so far!
More details about where to park and meet
Where: Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve (located ¼ mile off the public trail on Broadway and Mendenhall St.)
Parking and Directions:
Bozeman Library 626 E Main St, Bozeman, MT Walk to the corner of Main and Broadway (at the light) After crossing Main Street walk to the to the Clock Tower on Mendenhall St. and Broadway Ave. at the entrance of Village Downtown. As you face the clock, the public trail to the wetlands is on your right, just past the clock. Walk approximately two-tenths of a mile to the cleanup starting point. There will be signs on the trail.
Montana Ale Works parking lot. Walk east through the parking lot to the Clock Tower on Mendenhall St. and Broadway Ave. at the entrance of Village Downtown. As you face the clock, the public trail to the wetlands is on your right, just past the clock. Walk approximately two-tenths of a mile to the cleanup starting point. There will be signs on the trail.